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Laboratory instrument, materials and reagent list which are used in a pathology lab.

Name Instruments, Materials, Reagent which are used in the laboratory (Pathology):

  1. Microscope
  2. Centrifuge
  3. Water bath
  4. Colorimeter or Analyzer
  5. Autoclave
  6. Incubator
  7. Hot air oven
  8. Laboratory Rotator
  9. ELISA Reader
  10. Microplate Washers
  11. Stop Watch
  12. Micropipette
  13. WBC Counter (cell counter)
  14. Haemometer (Sahli)
  15. Balance
  16. Westergreen's ESR tube and stand
  17. Improved neubauer's counting chamber
  18. Spreader
  19. Slide
  20. Cover slip
  21. Petridish
  22. Test tube
  23. Tips for micropipette
  24. Urinometer
  25. Albuminometer
  26. Spirit lamp
  27. Test tube holder
  28. Funnel
  29. Measuring cylinder
  30. Wintrobe tube
  31. Reagent bottle
  32. Beakers
  33. Test tube rack
  34. Staining tray
  35. Leishman's stain
  36. Giemsa's stain
  37. WBC fluid
  38. RBC fluid
  39. Platelet count fluid
  40. Eosinophil fluid
  41. ESR fluid
  42. Paul heller solution
  43. Benedict's solution
  44. Normal saline
  45. 5% Acetic acid
  46. Esbach's reagent
  47. Xylene
  48. Crystal violet
  49. Gram's iodine
  50. Carbol fuchsin
  51. Methylene blue
  52. Litmas paper
  53. Distilled water
  54. Cotton
  55. Syringe
  56. Lancet
  57. Swab stick
  58. Gloves
  59. Spirit
Laboratory instrument, materials and reagent list which are used in a pathology lab.

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