Laboratory instrument, materials and reagent list which are used in a pathology lab.
Name Instruments, Materials, Reagent which are used in the laboratory (Pathology):
- Microscope
- Centrifuge
- Water bath
- Colorimeter or Analyzer
- Autoclave
- Incubator
- Hot air oven
- Laboratory Rotator
- ELISA Reader
- Microplate Washers
- Stop Watch
- Micropipette
- WBC Counter (cell counter)
- Haemometer (Sahli)
- Balance
- Westergreen's ESR tube and stand
- Improved neubauer's counting chamber
- Spreader
- Slide
- Cover slip
- Petridish
- Test tube
- Tips for micropipette
- Urinometer
- Albuminometer
- Spirit lamp
- Test tube holder
- Funnel
- Measuring cylinder
- Wintrobe tube
- Reagent bottle
- Beakers
- Test tube rack
- Staining tray
- Leishman's stain
- Giemsa's stain
- WBC fluid
- RBC fluid
- Platelet count fluid
- Eosinophil fluid
- ESR fluid
- Paul heller solution
- Benedict's solution
- Normal saline
- 5% Acetic acid
- Esbach's reagent
- Xylene
- Crystal violet
- Gram's iodine
- Carbol fuchsin
- Methylene blue
- Litmas paper
- Distilled water
- Cotton
- Syringe
- Lancet
- Swab stick
- Gloves
- Spirit