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Causes & Diagnosis of high albumin in urine

What is albumin in urine?

Having albumin with urine means kidney disease. This means that one of the main symptoms of kidney disease is a large amount of albumin in the urine. Because a healthy kidney never allows albumin to pass with urine. But a damaged kidney passes some amount of albumin with urine.

Normal value of Albumin in urine: If the albumin with urine is usually less than 30 mg/g it is called normal range.
On the other hand, the presence of a large amount of protein in the blood is also called albumin.

What is proteinuria?

Is the album is More than 30 mg /g in urine is called proteinuria. If there is too much albumin in the urine, then it must be understood that there is kidney disease. This means that the amount of creatinine increases with albumin.

Causes of proteinuria:

There are so many causes present in protein urea.
1. Heavy proteinuria: (>3gm/day)
i) Nephrotic syndrome
ii) Acute glomerulonephritis
iii) Renal vein thrombosis
v) SLE
iv) Diabetes mellitus
vi) Chorionic glomerulonephritis (severe)
2. Moderate proteinuria : (1-3gm/day)
i) Chronic glomerulonephritis
ii) Nephrosclerosis
iii) Multiple myeloma
v) Pre-eclampsia
iv) Pyelonephritis
vi) Congestive heart failure.
3. Mild protein proteinuria
i) Hypertension
iii) Chronic pyelonephritis
v) Fever
i) Polycystic kidney
iv) UTI

How to diagnosis albumin in urine?
How many test to diagnosis albumin in urine

There are four ways to diagnose urine albumin.

  1. Heat and acetic acid method
  2. Sulpho-Salicyclic acid method
  3. Strip method
  4. Nitric acid method

Detection of albumin by albumin strip test:

Urine strips of urine albumin made by different companies are available. The albumin urine strip method is one of the fastest and most effective method of diagnosing urinary albumin in a very short time and at low cost.

Test procedure

  1. Urine should be taken in a clean container or test tube.
  2. Take an urine strip of an AIbumin test. 
  3. The end of the strip on which the reagent is applied should be dipped in urine for 1 to 2 seconds. Then pick up.
  4. Apply reagent of urine strip in 1 minute to 2 minutes and change color of edge color strip box. It is necessary to create a report by matching it with the color chart given.
  5. If the urine strip has the same color as before dipping in urine, then If there is no change in color,
  6. then albumin nil in urine. 
  7. If the color of the reagent applied part of the strip is dipped in urine If it changes then
  8. It should be understood that urine contains albumin and color You have to look at the chart and give the correct report.
Causes & Diagnosis of high albumin in urine

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