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ESR test procedure by Wintrobe method

ESR test procedure by Wintrobe method:

Materials required:
1. Wintrobe tube
2. Paul Heller mixture
3. Test tube or penicillin bottle
4. Blood collecting materials
5. Capillary pipette

About Wintrobe tube:

Wintrobe tube is a straight glass tube with one end open and the other closed. Wintrobe tube 110mm long and 2.5mm in diameter. On one side of the wintrobe tube from top to bottom there are 0, 10, 20, ...100 spots for ESR viewing and on the other side 100, 90, 80........10, 0 spots are cut for PCV.

Paul Heller solution Preparation:

Ammonium oxalate            : 1.2g
Potassium oxalate              : 0.8g
Distilled water                     : 100ml

ESR Test Procedure by Windtrobe Method:

  1. Before the start of the test or before blood collection take a bottle of penicillin or test tube 0.2ml Paul Heller solution. With Paul Heller solution should be dried the aqueous part at 50-60° C in hot air oven.
  2. Collect the blood from the rage and take it in a 1ml blood bottle or tube, shake it slowly and mix it with the dried anticoagulant of the bottle or tube.
  3. With the help of capillary pipette, the top of the wintrobe tube should be filled with blood up to 0 spots.
  4. Tube should be kept in vertical position for 1 hour and results should be seen after 1 hour.
  5. The sedimantion spot of the RBC cells in the Wintrobe tube, is the result of ESR in Wintrobe method.

Normal value of ESR (wintrobe method):

Male                        : 0-12 mm in lst Hour.
Female                    : 0-18 mm in 1st Hour.

ESR test procedure by Wintrobe method

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