How to prepare and fix smears
- Make a smear of 15- 20mm diameter by inserting Specimen in the middle of a slide.
- In the case of sputum, with the help of a clean stick, take a little sputum from the pot in the middle of the slide and make a thin smear. Smear boats should be made with suspected sputum such as the blood-stained part of the sputum.
- In case of purulent specimen, thin smear should be made with sterile loop.
- If specimen is watery (e.g. CSF, synovial fluid, ascetic fluid) Smear should be made by centrifuge with sediment.
- Smear should be air-dried after making.
- Smear well dried, fixed by passing smear over the flame For 3-4 times).
- Before staining, you have to dip in slide cool.
Gram stain test procedure:
(WHO current guidelines)- Materials and reagents
- Microscope
- Crystal Violet
- Microscopic Slide
- Spirit Lamp
- Slide Rack
- Lugols lodine
- Et Acetone-Alcohol decolourizer
- Neutral red 1g / l or carbol Fuchsin (1 in 10 distilled water)
Principle of Gram staining:
Crystal violet dyes all bacteria purple and iodine solution fixes that color better. Acetone-Alcohol Decolorizer, all the bacteria that are not well stained in iodine
decolorizes bacteria. Neutral red or carbol fuchsine counter decolorized bacteria in bright pink color.
Gram Staining method:
- Smear should be made on a microscopic slide with specimen (Sputum, Throat swab. Pus, Conjunctival swab, Prostatic smear, CSF).
- After drying the smear, you have to fix the smear with a little heat of spirit lamp.
- Cover the smear with crystal violet and keep it for 60 seconds.
- Slide wash with clean water.
- Cover the smear with Lugol's iodine and keep for 60 seconds
- wash Slide with clean water.
- Call the smear with Acetone-Alcohol decolorizer on the smear 2-3
- Seconds must be kept.
- Slide smear on neutral red (0.1%) or carbol fuchsine (1 in10 distilled water) and keep for 2 minutes.
- Slide wash with clean water and slide air dry in slide rack.
- Smear with an immersion oil and look at the microscope at 100x objective.
Gram Staining Results:
Gram positive organism: Dark-purple can be seen in Gram positive organism. (eg Streptococci, Color Staphylococci, Micrococci, Pneumococci, Enterococci, Diphtheria bacilli, Anthrax Bacilli)Gram negative organism: Gram negative organisms can be seen red color after gram staining. (eg. Gonococci, Meningococci, Coliform Bacilli, Shigella, Salmonellae, Cholera, Vibrious)
Distilled water -------------- 100 ml
Potassium iodine ------ 2g
Distilled water ----- 100ml
Distilled water ---------- 1000 ml
Absolute alcohol --------------- 10ml
5% Phenol solution ------------ 1000ml
Absolute ethanol of methanol --- 475ml
Distilled water ---- --- 200ml ----- 25 ml
Crystal violet preparation:
Crystal violet ---------------- 0.5gDistilled water -------------- 100 ml
Lugol's iodine preparation:
iodine -------------------- 1gPotassium iodine ------ 2g
Distilled water ----- 100ml
Neutral red, 1g / 1 (0.1%) solution Preparation:
Neutral red ----------------- lgDistilled water ---------- 1000 ml
Carbol fuchsin preparation:
Basic fuchsin ------------------- 1gAbsolute alcohol --------------- 10ml
5% Phenol solution ------------ 1000ml
Acetone-alcohol decolorizer (For gram stain):
Acetone ------------------------------ 200 mlAbsolute ethanol of methanol --- 475ml
Distilled water ---- --- 200ml ----- 25 ml