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Stool Microscopic Examination procedure

Stool microscopic examination(M/E):

Stool slides are made by microscope with the help of various worm eggs (ova), larva, cyst or trophozoite of Entamoeba histolytica, cyst or trophozoite or fungus of Giardia, bacteria, RBC, WBC, Macrophage, vegetable cell, muscle cell. , fat globule, etc. and if there is, the amount is reported.

Stool Microscopic Examination Slide Making (M / E)

  1. Take 1 drop of normal saline at one end of a clean microscopic slide and 1 drop of lugols of iodine at the other end.
  2. Now with a clean stick take a small amount of Stool 1 and first mix it with normal saline like emulsion and put a coverslip on it.
  3. And again with the help of a stick a little more Stool mixed with lugols iodine to make an emulsion and put a coverslip on it.
  4. Then you have to look at the slide in the microscope first with the help of low power 10x and then high power 40x objective.

The eggs of worms found in stool microscopic examination:

1. Ascaris lumbricoides (AL) or Earthworms worms.
2. Trichuris trichura (TT) or whip worm.
3. Ankylostoma duodenale (AD) hook worm.
4. Enterobius vermicularis (EV) or thread worms.
5. Taenia saginata, Taenia solium (tape worm).
6. Hymenolepis nana

Worm larvae found in stool:

Strongyloides stercoralis larva is found in stool (S.S. larva). In addition to this Ankylostoma Duodenale larva can be found.

Protozoa is found in the stool:

1. Entamoeba histolytica (E. histolytica)
2. Giardia
3. Entamoeba coli (E. coli).

Floatation method for determining the presence and quantity of worm eggs:

A penicillin bottle should be made by mixing stool with a mixture of salt water. Now cover the face of the bottle with a slide for 10-15 minutes. Make sure that the top layer of the solution inside the bottle touches the slide of the lid. After 10-15 minutes, remove the glass slide from the mouth of the bottle and look into the microscope with a cover slip on it.

Reporting of Ova, Larva, Protozoa:

On microscopic examination of stool, eggs of worm eggs or ova, larva, protozoa, etc., count the total number of ova or larvae found on a slide and mate on the slide.
If you get 1 to 3 eggs, report is Scanty
If you get 4 to 10 eggs, report is (+)
If you get 10 to 20 eggs, report is (++)
If you get 20 to 40 eggs, report is (+++)
If more than 40 is found (++++) must be written.

Stool microscopic examination

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