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Urine bile pigment test procedure: Harrison & Foam Method:

Urine Bile Pigment test procedure:

For the diagnosis of Urine Bile Pigment has two method.
1. Urine Bile Pigment test (Harrison test)
2. Bile Pigment test (Foam test)

1. Urine Bile Pigment test (Harrison test) Procedure:

  1. Take 5ml urine in a test tube.
  2. Add 5ml 10% Barium chloride with Urine and mix well.
  3. The mixture of urine and barium chloride should be filtered with the help of filter paper.
  4. After filtering, you have to wait for a while to dries the used filter paper.
  5. When the filter paper dries, 1-2 drops Fouchets reagent should be given in the middle of the filter paper.
  6. If the spot becomes blue after applying Fouchet's reagent on the filter paper, then the bile pigment is positive and if the color does not change then the bile pigment is nil or absent.

Fouchet's reagent preparation:
Trichloroacetic acid ............................ 25 grams
Ferric chloride ................................... 0.9 gram
Distilled water ................................... 150 ml

Urine bile pigment test procedure

2. Bile Pigment test (Foam test)

  1. Take 5ml urine in a test tube.
  2. Urine will shake well.
  3. If there is bile pigment, yellowish foam will be formed in the tube.
  4. When yellowish foam is formed, bile pigment test is positive.
  5. Foam can also be formed due to protein in the urine, so this test should be done with caution.

(Note: This method of bile pigment is not very accurate)

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