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Skin/nail/hair scraping test procedure to detect fungus in the body.

Skin Scraping/Nail Scraping/Hair Scraping procedure:

These tests are done to diagnosis of detect any fungal infection or to know the presence of fungus in the body.

Materials & reagents for skin scraping/nail scraping/hair scraping test

  • Microscope slide
  • Cover slip
  • Sterile blunt scalpel
  • 20% sodium or potassium hydroxide

Skin craping/nail scraping/hair scraping test procedure :

  1. The affected area of ​​skin, nail, hair should be cleaned.
  2. The affected area should be scraped well with a blunt scalpel and the fragments should be collected first on black paper, then taken on a clean Petridis.
  3. Then some part of scraping should be taken on the clean slide.
  4. Now 1-2 drops of 20% Sodium hydroxide or 20% on the slide.
  5. Potassium hydroxide should be taken. Mix the scraping parts and sodium or potassium hydroxide solution well and apply a coverslip on the slide. Then have to look at the slide in the microscope first with the help of low power 10x and then high power 40x objective.

Disclaimer before doing skin scraping/nail scraping/ hair scraping test:

  1. Slide should be given light heat with the help of spirit lamp. After making the slide, wait half an hour to two hours and look at it under a microscope.
  2. When scraping nails and hair, cut them into very small pieces and then prepare the slide.
  3. In case of skin scraping, scraping should be done from the margin of the affected area.
  4. Skin, nail, hair as well as sputum, pus, CSF. Stool etc. examined is possible to diagnose fungal infections.
Skin/nail/hair scraping test procedure to detect fungus in the body.

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