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Hiv test procedure in lab, HIV 1 & Hiv 2, HIV Test

HIV 1 & 2 Test procedure: (Immunochromatographic test for HIV)

This test is done to determine the presence of HIV (AIDS) virus in the body.
Reagent: HIV-1/2 3.0
Origin: Standard diagnostics. Korea.
Specimen: whole blood (collect the whole blood using the suitable anti-coagulant) serum or plasma.

HIV 1 & 2 Test procedure (Strip Test method):

  1. Must take an HIV device.
  2. 20ul sample whole blood or 10ul serum / plasma should be given in the sample window of the device.
  3. As soon as blood or serum is given in the sample window, 3drops 120µl assay diluent  should be given in the sample window from the assay diluent supplied with the reagent.
  4. The results should be determined by observing the device within 5 to 20 minutes.

Result of HIV 1 & 2 Test:

  • If the control line (c) is given in the result window of the device, no color line appears along the text 2 and 1 then the result is "Negative".
  • If the color line 2 is seen along the control line, then HIV-2 is positive
  • If the color line 1 is seen along the control line, then HIV-1 is positive
  • If the color line 2 & 1 is seen along the control line, then HIV-2 & 1 is positive
  • If the control line does not appear on the device, then you have to test again with the new device.
 HIV 1 & 2 test result

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