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Heat and acetic acid test for urine & Urine protein test manual procedure

Heat and Acetic acid method :

  1. A clean 4 inc test tube 3/4 of the urine should be taken and with the help of Spirit lamp to heat the upper part of this test tube.
  2. Observe if the upper part is cloudy.
  3. Now add 4-5 drops in 5% acetic acid dropper to the test tube and heat again.
  4. After heating, see if the surface of the tube is cloudy. If there is very little blur, then albumin trace should be written in the report.
  5. If Cloudy is more then you have to write (+), (++), (+++) to understand the condition and quantity.
  6. If you are not absolutely Cloudy, you have to write albumin nil or absent.
Another name of heat and acetic acid method is called "Heat Coagulation Method"

Quick Test:

Albumin sulphosalicylic acid method:

  1. Take 1 ml urine in a test tube and mix 4-5 drops 20% sulphosalicylic acid with it.
  2. If the mixture is not cloudy after mixing, then it should be understood that there is no albumin in the urine.
  3. And if the mixture becomes cloudy then you will understand that there is albumin in urine.
  4. If it is very light, you have to write albumin trace in the report.
  5. If it is a little too thick, write albumin (+), if it is more than (++), if it is like milk (+++) and if it is too thick, it is like albumin (++++) or Write (4+).
Heat and acetic acid test for urine & Urine protein test manual procedure

Urine albumin test by Nitric acid: 

  1. Take 2ml Fumming Nitric acid in a test tube.
  2. Now take 2ml urine in test tube. (slowly through the side of the test tube).
  3. If white ring is seen at the junction of acid and urine then protein is present in urine; (Appearance of white ring at the junction of the two fluids indicates the presence of protein.)

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