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Urine Physicals & Chemicals Examination

Urine Microscopic Examination Procedure R / E (routine examination)

Physical examination of Urine:

Write down the amount of urine provided for the test. In some cases you have to collect urine for 24 hours and write the correct amount.

The color of urine is usually like water which we write as Straw. Some diseases or changes in the color of urine as a result of taking medicine. For example, if there is more bilirubin in the blood, the color of urine becomes yellow. If there is blood with urine, the color of urine becomes reddish (red) or red.

What is the reason for the  color changes of the urine?

1. Colorless: Diabetes mellitus, Diabetes insipidus, excess intake of water.
2. Deep amber color: Good muscular exercise, high grade fever.
3. Orange color:) If the presence of urobilinogen is high,
concentrated urine
4. Smoky urine: If there is little blood in the urine, vitamin B-12
If accepted.
5. Red: Hematuria (bleeding with urine), hemoglobinuria.
6. Brown: If there is bile with Urine.
7. Milky: If there is pus or fat with urine.
8. Green: Phenol poisoning, due to putrefied sample.

Appearance of urine:
Under normal circumstances, urine is transparent or clear. If there is blood or albumin or phosphate or too much pus cell with urine, the appearance of urine may be turbid (smoky) or smoky (smoky).

Sediment of urine:
Usually there is no sediment or sediment in the urine. After collecting urine, if no sediment is found at the bottom of the pot, then sediment is "NIL" should be written, and if sediment is present, then present or according to the amount of sediment report will be (+) (++) (+++) (++++).

Smell of urine:
Usually the smell of urine is aromatic. The reason why the smell of urine changes is given below:

  1. Pungent: The presence of ammonia in urine due to bacterial contamination results in pungent ‍smell.
  2. Putrid: The smell of urine is putrid due to UTI.
  3. Fruity a Sweetish: Due to the presence of Urine ketone body, the smell of urine is Fruity or Sweetish.
  4. Mousy: The smell of urine is mousy due to phenylketonuria.

Microscopic Examination of Urine (M / E)

In a clean 4 inch test tube, centrifuge with 5-10 ml of urine and rotate at a speed of 2000 rpm for 5-7 minutes. Then drop the urine from the test tube and take 1 drop from the bottom of the test tube to a slide with a cover slip on the 10x and 40x objective of the microscope. HPF) to show the amount available.

RBC (Red blood cells):

  1. Blood clots or RBCs are not usually found in urine.
  2. RBCs can be found in the urine if there is a kidney infection or inflammation or stones in the kidneys, ureter or urinary bladder or any serious injury.
  3. You have to write a report to see how much RBC is available in each high power field.
  4. For example, if you get 1-2 hours in each high power, you have to write RBC: 1-2 / HPE, and if a lot If available, then write RBC: Plenty.

How to detect pus cell and what indicate if its high in urine? Pus cells (Leucocytes)

  1. Inflammation of the kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra causes the presence of urine and pus cells.
  2. 1-2 pus cells can be found in the urine of a healthy person many times without any reason, but if there are more pus cells in the urine, you must understand that there is a problem and you must take the advice of a doctor. 
  3. How many pus cells are there in each high power field? If per high If 1-2 pus cells are found in the power field then pus cells: 1-2 / HPF should be written in the report and if lots of pus cells are found then pus cells: plenty should be written.

How to detect epithelial cell and what indicate if its high in urine?

Usually in the urine - 1-2 epithelial cells can be found. Look at the slides in high power and write in the report like RBC and Pus cells. For example, if you find 1-2 epithelial cells in each high power field, you have to write. Epithelial cells: 1-2 / HPE

What is Crystal of urine:

Urine a RBC, Pus cells, Epithelial cells in addition to different shapes Granular, rod-shaped, square objects are found, they are called crystal. Their pictures are given on the next page.

Which Crystal can be found in acidic urine.

i) Calcium oxalate
ii) Uric acid
iii) Amorphous urate
iv) Tyrosine
v) Cystine

Crystals that can be found in alkaline urine:

i) Amorphous phosphate
i) Triple phosphate
iii) Calcium carbonate
iv) Ammonium biurate.


Urine contains RBC, WBC, Epithelial, Granular s Hyaline cast
Which is made in Kidney's tubule.


Spermatozoa are not usually present in the urine. And even if there are spermatozoa or sperm in the urine, their presence is not very important.


Urine does not usually contain bacteria. Bacteria can be found in urine if left for a long time after urine collection. Moreover, if 1/2 of the bacteria are found in the urine of a healthy person and there is no problem of rage, then these bacteria are not important. Microscopic examination or nitrite test in the urine, the presence of bacteria can be determined.

Trichomonus vaginalis:

Trichomonus vaginalis is a type of parasite that is often found in urine.
Trichomonus vaginalis is especially found in the urine of women
Trichomonus vaginalis causes leukorrhea in women.

Urine Physicals & Chemicals Examination

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