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Urine Bence Jones Protein: Test Procedure: Reason to positive.

Urine Bence Jones Protein (BJP) Test Procedure:

  1. Take a test tube a 5ml urine.
  2. If the urine is cloudy, filter paper should be cut with filter paper.
  3. If the reaction of urine is alkaline then the reaction of urine with 5% acetic acid should be made acidic.
  4. Test tube with urine should be kept in a water bath.
  5. The temperature of the water bath should be gradually increased.
  6. If the urine contains Bence Jones protein, then if the temperature of the urine in the water bath is between 40'c to 60'c, the urine will become cloudy or clumps will form or white urine will appear in the urine.
  7. But if the temperature drops below 40 c C or rises above 60 ° C, it will no longer be seen or matched.

Reasons for Urine Bence Jones Protein (BJP) to be positive:

Bence jones are protein positive in multiple myeloma. Bence jones can also be protein positive in some cases of chronic leukemia, osteosarcoma, and hypertension.
Urine Bence Jones Protein
Urine Bence Jones Protein

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