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Haemoglobin test procedure: Haemoglobin normal range

Haemoglobin (Sahli's Method)

Necessary equipment
1. Sahli Haemometer
2. N / 10 Hcl (N / 10 hydrochloric acid)
3. Distilled Water

The Sahli Haemometer contains:

1. Matching box
2. Hemoglobin pipette
3. Hemoglobin tube
4. Glass stick
5. Dropper

Test method:

  1. Take N / 10 hydrochloric acid up to 20 spots in the hemoglobin tube of the haemometer.
  2. With N / 10 hydrochloric acid add up to 0.02 ml of blood by hemoglobin pipette  mix well. It is better to use glass sticks for mixing.
  3. Wait for 5-10 minutes after mixing.
  4. Now add 1-2 drops of distilled water to the hemoglobin tube with the help of dropper and mix well with the help of glass rod.
  5. As long as the color of the hacmoglobin tube does not match the color of the yellow color on both sides of the hemoglobin tube, add more 1-2 drops of distilled water and mix well.
  6. If the color of the Hacmoglobin tube matches the color of the yellow tube on both sides, then it should be reported to match with the scaled spot on the hemoglobin tube.
  7. The amount of hemoglobin in a hemoglobin tube is equal to the color of the mixture in the tube and the color of the side tube.
  8. Hemoglobin tube has spots on both sides. On one side there is gm / d and on the other side (%) there are calculated spots.

Normal Value of Hemoglobin:

Male: 14.0-18.0 gm / dl
Female: 12.0-16.0 gm / dl

Haemoglobin test procedure

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