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Excess of Phosphate in urine

Excess of Phosphate in urine

  1. Heat up to 3/4 part of a test tube with urine.
  2. After heating, it should be noticed whether the urine of the upper part has become turbid or not.
  3. Then add 4-5 drops of 5% acetic acid to the test tube and reheat.
  4. If it is turbid after heating for the first time and if it is re-heated with acetic acid then the turbidity becomes clear then it should be understood that there is Excess of Phosphate in the urine.

Excess of Phosphate in urine

Urine Urobilinogen, Nitrite, Bile Pigment, Ketone bodies test by strip (ICT Method):

These tests of urine were done a few days ago in different ways so that time and
The cost was high and the test results were not satisfactory.
At present, with the help of different strips made by different reagent companies, it is possible to report accurately in a very short time and at low cost.
  1. Buy the necessary test strip and dip it in urine as directed
  2. Leaving the seconds, then take the strip out of the urine and look at the color chart given with the strip, the color of the color chart that corresponds to that color, you have to write a report according to that color.

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