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The reason, tests name and collection procedure of urine

Reasons/importance of testing urine:

1. In order to diagnosis of disease.
        Eg: UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
2. To see prognosis of disease.
        Eg: Nephrotic syndrome.
3. It is diabetic patients to observe the urinary sugar.
4. Diagnosis of renal disease.

Collection procedure or technique of urine:

    • Clean dry pod/ sterile container.
    • Antiseptic or 70% alcohol.
    • Adhesive bag.
    • Catheter.

Collection procedure of urine:

  1. A midstream specimen should be collected in a clean dry pod.
  2. Early morning urine is reparable.
  3. Anogenital reason should be wash with antiseptic incase of culture and sensitivity test.
  4. Urine collection in special situation:
  5. Young child: Adhesive bag
  6. Unconscious patients: Catheterization
  7. Urinary tract obstruction: Supra pubic puncture.
  8. Sample should forward to be early as possible.
Preservatives: Preservatives are the materials which prevent the growth of bacteria, virus and fungus that remove the sample from waste.

Preservatives name of urine:

            • Formalin
            • Toluene
            • Boric acid
            • Thymol
            • Chloroform

Why preservatives are used during collection:

  1. To produce bacterial action.
  2. To minimize chemical decomposition
  3. To decrease atmospheric condition effecting the preservatives.

Chemical preservatives of urine:

  1. Toluene: It is the best method for preservation of urine. Toluene preserves the urine for 24 hours.
  2. Thymol: One small crystal per 100 ml of urine.
  3. Formalin: 3 drops per 100 ml of urine.
  4. Boric acid: 1 gm per 100 mil of urine.
  5. Chloroform: 5 ml per 100 mil of urine.

How many test are done by urine in Pathology?

Urine samples are taken to diagnose various diseases in pathology. By pathology the pathologist can diagnose different diseases by different tests which are very helpful for treatment. Doctors give these tests as advice after seeing the signs and symptoms of any disease. According to the advice of the doctors, urine collection procedure is being different and various methods of examination are done by the pathologist.

List of urine tests:

Now let's look at a list of things that can be tested with urine:
  1. Urine specific gravity
  2. Urine albumin
  3. Excess of phosphate 
  4. Urine sugar glucose 
  5. Urine bile salt
  6. Urine routine microscopy examination R/E
  7. Urine Bence Jones protein 
  8. Urine bile pigment test 
  9. Urine bilirubin test 
  10. Urine combina 11s
The reason, tests name and collection procedure of urine

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