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Benedict's test procedure: Urine Glucose, Causes of high glucose in urine,

Benedict's test procedure for urine glucose detection:

Reducing substance test of urine-Glucose (Sugar) or :

  1. Take a 6 "test tube a 5 ml benedict's solution.
  2. Heat the benedict's solution with the help of spirit lamp and add 6 drops or 0.5 ml of urine
  3. Will be reheated.
  4. Boil with heat for two minutes and then see if the color of the solution has changed or if sediment has accumulated under the test tube after cooling.
  5. If the color changes or sediment falls, then it must be understood that there is sugar in the urine. Color changes:
  6. If it is green, write sugar green or (+) in the report.
  7. If the color is yellow then write yellow or (++).
  8. If it is orange then you have to write orange or (+++)
  9. And red or brick red or (++++) when red or brick color.

Urine Glucose by Strip test procedure:

Urine strips of urine glucose made by different companies are available. Urine strip is the best test method to test urine glucose very easily and in less time.
  1. Urine should be taken in a clean container or test tube.
  2. Take a urine strip of a glucose test.
  3. The end of the strip on which the reagent is applied should be dipped in the urine for 1-2 seconds and then lifted.
  4. In 1 minute to 2 minutes, the reagent of urine strip should be applied in accordance with the color chart given with the color-strip box on the edge.
  5. If the color of the urine strip is the same color as it was before dipping in the urine, then there is no change in the color, then glucose "NIL" in the urine.
  6. If the reagent of the strip is applied, the color of the part changes after dipping in the urine.
  7. Then you have to understand that there is glucose in the urine and you have to look at the color chart and give the correct report.

Causes of glycosuria (Causes of glycosuria)

  1. Diabetes mellitus
  2. Renal glycosuria
  3. Severe burns
  4. Administration of corticosteroids
  5. Severe sepsis
  6. Pregnancy
  7. Certain endocrine disorder like thyrotoxicosis, cushing
  8. syndrome
  9. I.V. infusion of glucose
  10. Increased intracranial pressure
  11. Alimentary glucosuria.
Benedict's test procedure
Benedict's test results according to color

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