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ESR: means, causes of high and low ESR, What is ESR?

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR):

ESR means Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate. If a certain amount of blood is mixed with a standard amount of a standard anticoagulant and kept in a vertical position for 1 hour, the RBCs gradually stabilize. The rate at which a red cell settles or sinks is called ESR.

Why ESR is done?

1. To know about the speed or prognosis of any Disease.
2. To get an idea about the state of Disease, such as:
- Pulmonary tuberculosis
- Pulmonary embolism
- Coronary thrombosis
-Myocardial infarction
- Rheumatic arthritis
3. To take ideas about the improvement of the treatment of any rage.

Different stages of ESR:

  • First 10 minutes - is the period of aggregation. Rouleaux
  • formation occurs at this stage and sedimentation is slow.
  • Next 40 minutes - is period of fast settling, during this period rate of fall is constant.
  • Last 10 minutes - is the final period of packing.

What causes the ESR to interfere with the correct outcome?

1. If blood is collected and mixed with ESR fluid and left for more than 2 hours, the report of ESR may be raise.

2. After blood collection of ESR, mix it with anticoagulant and leave it in refrigerator. And if you take ESR out of the refrigerator immediately, the report will be much higher. In this case, the blood should be taken out of the refrigerator and then tested at room temperature.

3.Factor leading to reduced ESR rates:

- High blood glucose
- High albumin level
- High phospholipids
-Decreased fibrinogen level of the blood in newborns

4. Drug that increase ESR levels:

- Dextran
- Methyldopa
- Methyseergide
- Oral contraceptives
- Theophylline
- Trifluperidol
- Vitamin-A

5. Drugs that decrease ESR levels:

- Ethambutol
-Drug that cause a high blood glucose level (cortisone and

ESR: means, causes of high and low ESR, What is ESR?

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